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Gen Z

Yubo Survey: ChatGPT

5 minutes read

- Written by ChatGPT

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ChatGPT. You’ve likely heard of it. You’ve even more likely utilized OpenAI’s newest tool to help you complete some sort of task throughout the day. Maybe it was helping you draft an email, asking for movie recs, or just wanting someone to talk to, you’ve likely experienced ChatGPT’s revolutionary technology. But, what does Gen Z, the most technologically forward generation, think about ChatGPT? We polled 6,000 Yubo users in the US to find out. And, who better to explain the findings of this survey to you, than ChatGPT? Yes, below you’ll find ChatGPT’s own blogspot in response to the findings. 

If you’d rather skip its analysis, we’ve laid out the findings at the bottom!

Gen Z Embraces AI: Insights From the Yubo Survey on ChatGPT

Artificial intelligence has been the buzzword of the tech industry for a while now, and it’s not hard to see why. With the release of OpenAI’s latest generative AI tool and the integration of deep-learning models into online platforms like Snap, it’s clear that we’re in the midst of a new era of technology. More than 6,000 Yubo users recently weighed in on the AI/ChatGPT trend, providing some interesting insights into how Gen Z is using this technology.

This month, more than 6,000 US Yubo users weighed in on the AI/ChatGPT trend, revealing some intriguing insights into how the younger generation is utilizing AI in their daily lives. As it turns out, more than 40% of Yubo's Gen Z users in the US who know about ChatGPT have used it to do school work. This highlights the potential of AI to assist students with their studies, providing them with a valuable resources to aid their learning.

Almost 40% of students in the US who know about ChatGPT would use the AI tool to complete college applications. With college admissions becoming increasingly competitive, ChatGPT can provide students with an extra edge in their application process. This is because the tool can help students to identify the right words and phrases to use in their application essays, which can make a big difference in the eyes of college admissions officers.

Interestingly, the majority of Yubo's Gen Z users in the U.S. are not concerned that ChatGPT will replace humans in jobs in the future. This shows that young people are aware of the benefits of AI, but also recognize that it has its limitations. While AI can certainly help to automate certain tasks, it cannot replace human creativity, empathy, and critical thinking.

Almost 50% of Gen Z would turn to ChatGPT for advice on things they're uncomfortable talking about, bypassing their friends, parents, and other adults in their lives. This is a fascinating development, as it suggests that young people are comfortable confiding in AI, perhaps because it offers a non-judgmental and impartial perspective. However, it's important to note that AI should not be seen as a substitute for human relationships and support.

Finally, more than 70% of respondents who are familiar with Chat GPT believe that it will have a long-term impact and is here to stay, compared to roughly 15% who think it is a passing trend. This highlights the growing acceptance and adoption of AI technology, particularly among the younger generation. As AI continues to evolve and become more advanced, it's clear that it will play an increasingly significant role in our lives.

This survey from Yubo provides valuable insights into how Gen Z is utilizing AI technology in their daily lives. From using ChatGPT to do school work and complete college applications, to seeking advice on sensitive topics, young people are embracing AI as a valuable tool. However, it's important to recognize that AI should not be seen as a substitute for human relationships and support, and that it has its limitations. As AI technology continues to evolve, it's clear that it will have a long-term impact on our lives, and it will be fascinating to see how it continues to develop in the years to come.

Survey Results

Yubo here, again. Here are some of the key takeaways from our survey:

  • More than 40% of Gen Z users in the U.S. who know about ChatGPT, have used it for school work
  • Almost 40% of students in the U.S. who know about ChatGPT, would use the AI tool to complete college applications
  • A majority of Yubo’s Gen Z users in the U.S. are not concerned that ChatGPT will replace humans in jobs in the future
  • Almost 50% of Gen Z would turn to ChatGPT for advice on things they’re uncomfortable talking about, even choosing ChatGPT over friends and families
  • More than 70% of respondents who are familiar with Chat GPT believe that it will have long-term impact and is here to stay, compared to roughly 15% who think it is a passing trend. 

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